Friday, February 29, 2008

Are you Currently Experiencing is a new and upcoming news website that allows individuals to explore current news topics as well as share their own news stories. The beginning video that can be watched when first entering the site is very helpful for a first time visitor. Although it is goofy and lame, it allows the visitor to get a quick overview of what the site is about, what it includes, and what can be expected and done while using it. Although this site can be beneficial to old and young a like, it appears to be aimed more toward the younger crowd. However almost anyone who longs for balance and the ability to share opinions in the news world can appreciate this site.

The four main aspects on this site are: explore, connect, contribute, and watch. Explore enables viewers to find current news stories about topics they care about. Connect enables people to create a profile in order to share their interests. Contribute allows individuals to make their own news stories, and have a say in current ones. And finally, you can watch the TV network that you and other participants have created. The TV networks that show are direct TV, dish network, Comcast, and AT&T u-verse. So if you are fortunate enough to have these channels, you are on your way to beginning your journey.

Media Literacy by W. James Potter tells us on page 126 that “the media are highly selective in what they choose to show us each day.” Therefore, with, if you do not see a news story that you think is important on the site, you can add it. One news site is not going to give you all of the news that you need to know. In order to be media literate you must “search out a wide range of sources and build stronger knowledge structures that provide you with the context that mainstream news programs do not (126)” Although the news stories on may not be on the most important topics all the time, participants can change this by adding the news stories that are important to them. By exploring other news sites contributors are able to find and add new stories, therefore expanding their wealth of knowledge about what is going on in the world, and what is really important. prides itself on taking a look at what is going on in the world from a fresh perspective- that of the viewers. Although, this is good because it enables people to explore topics that interest them, it might not be the news that is the most important. This does however, allow for a many topics to be shown and discussed, whether they be relevant to our life, news from another country, or just amusing, inspiring, or interesting. The aim of this news site is to connect to every facet of life.

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